Oak Grove Club is open! Check out highlights from the first day of Club
The Oak Grove Club opened its doors this week on October 21 and we are so excited to welcome youth into our newest program. We have been working to serve the North Clackamas area for a long time and opening our new location in this community is very gratifying.
The North Clackamas School District has been especially welcoming. Their partnership and advocacy for students and families helped to make this amazing location a reality.
It has taken a lot of strong partners and community voices to get us to this point. I am excited to continue to grow these partnerships and community connections as we build capacity for this Club and show our Club members that they have a vibrant community network that cares about them and their future.
Thanks to everyone for making it a great first day, and welcome to the Oak Grove Club!
First day highlights
- 72 Students attended Club programs
- 70 CACFP meals were served (Chips and Salsa with cheese was a hit)
- 3 volunteers from Portland State University assisted 6 BGCP staff
- First Day activities included drama games, basketball, Fall crafts and Power Hour (homework time)
- Funny thing, very few kids said that they have homework… ever! Not to worry, we have plenty of books to read, writing prompts and other ways to practice skills. Plus we can do some parent/teacher follow up to find out about that “no homework ever.” 😉
- Dani, our assistant site lead, rocked some fantastic “Boom Chicka Boom” at Club assembly.
- Club members learned our Club rules… “Respect Yourself, Respect the Club, Respect Others, HAVE FUN!
- At least three kids convinced their parents to come back and pick them up at a later time because they did NOT want to go home early. They took the “HAVE FUN” rule very seriously.
- At least one Club member had their “BEST DAY EVER!”