Thurston chose to be featured in the games room because he loves to play pool and looks forward to the State Games room tournament every year.
13 years old
Inukai Family Boys & Girls Club
Member for 7 years
Future teacher
This is like my favorite spot ever because the people here are just super nice, they’re fun, they’re just cool. I like this place. A lot.
What’s your favorite activity at the Club?
I like to play pool here. We have pool tournaments like very week. I don’t normally win but…yeah.
What’s something you’re proud of?
Every year Boys & Girls Clubs has a state games room tournament and almost every year I go. And this year I went and I got second. Another one of my proudest things is getting good grades in school because getting good grades means you have a good future for jobs and college and things like that.
Has the Club helped you with your grades?
They have this mentor program and I was chosen a couple times. And the mentors really helped me. I did my homework with them, I hung out with them, and they did weekly checkups and I think that really kind of got my grades up that much higher.
What do you wanna be when you grow up?
When I was littler I wanted to be a pro baseball player. Now I wanna be a teacher.
What made you change your mind?
I like to help kids with school and math and whatever they need help on. I just help them.
What are some things you’ve learned here?
Friendship, honesty, if you lie you;ll get caught. It’s not good to lie at all. To be friends with people that aren’t really the same as you. Like I have friends that don’t have any personality traits like similar to me, but they’re still just really cool and really nice.
How has the Club impacted you?
It’s impacted my life so much. I didn’t even know what the Boys & Girls Club was, but then in like first grade I came here and it changed my life. It was just so much fun, I made a lot of friends, it was just great. I love it.
What’s something you’ll always remember?
I’ll remember the great people here. Like I met Richard Inukai and he was really nice. And the Club leader Rachel she is like really nice too. And she really helps a lot of people around here.
Has she helped you?
Yeah. We did this field trip where I went to Connecticut and she helped me go. It was so much fun. We went to a summer it. It was camp Hercules for a program called immersion where we studied marine biology and the titanic and it was really fun.
Has the Club helped your family?
It has helped my family a lot. My sister she had a lot of troubles here. But ever since she went here she has been doing really good now. Really good in school. She’s been actually do ing her homework. Which I think is nice.
What do you want people to know about the Club?
It is amazing. I recommend it so much. Like people who are like, for instance Shaquille O’Neil, he went here and he’s a big star now.
I recommend that you go here. The people there are super nice, helpful, nice, very smart, and just nice. All in all.
Describe the Club in one word.
Friendly. There’s a lot of friendly people here. One other word would be playful. There are so many people here who like play in the gym a lot and play pool and foosball and there’s a lot of good artists here.
Anything you wanna add?
Thank you Boys & Girls Club for literally everything. Thank you for the 84 months that ive been going to the Boys & Girls Club. Thank you. Like, a lot.
Leslie, Wattles Club
Walsh Family, JWR Club
Braden, CS First Volunteer
The Carters, Inukai Family Club
Jaiden, Regence Club
Jackie, Blazers Club
Thurston, Inukai Club
Habiba, Regence Club
Elizabeth, JWR Club
Clayton, Blazers Club
Teya, Regence Club
Sam, JWR Club
Nganga Family, Regence Club
Mayra, Inukai Club
Lisa, Blazers Club
Our Mission
Boys & Girls Clubs of Portland’s mission is to empower all young people, especially those who need us most, to discover their full potential as caring, engaged, responsible community members.
At Boys & Girls Clubs of Portland, enormous learning and growing opportunities become available to youth.
Volunteers play a vital role by assisting with special events and through direct involvement with the Boys & Girls Clubs organization. There are countless ways to volunteer.