Parent at Blazers Boys & Girls Club
Head Start Teacher
How did you get involved?
I kept seeing the flyers and driving by and I said “Hey there sure are a lot of kids in there!” So I stopped in and checked it out, got the paperwork, filled it out, talked to the kids about it, brought it back, and they’ve been here ever since.
What do you like about the Boys & Girls Club?
I like that it’s a good educational setting for the kids. They get help with their homework, there’s lots of activities, they do so much here and the staff here is just great with my kids. Sometimes it’s hard to please them and they have the teen room and other activities and they seem so much happier when they’re here.
Have you seen them grow since they started coming to the Club?
I’ve seen some improvement in their behavior at home and toward each other. They have different sets of friends here and they’re more social with people now, because they’re around a lot of people and age ta a chance to do a lot of things. So I’ve seen a lot of improvement.
What does the Boys & Girls Club mean to your family?
I love the Boys & Girls Club. I love the staff here. You know, they treat us like family. I can come in and talk to them about anything. And I just feel so comfortable. They make me feel comfortable with leaving my children here with them.
Describe the Club in one word.
Awesome. Two words: Totally.
What do your kids think about the Club?
Oh my goodness they don’t ever want to leave. They don’t want to leave and when they have the teen night on Fridays, they don’t want to leave. I said “you’ve been here all day.” So they come after school and they have every Friday where they do something with the teens. They love it here. They don’t want me to pick them up. They say “please don’t come until it closed!”
Anything else you want to add?
I wrote down some little things. The Boys & Girls Club is keeping my kids off the streets. I have a 15 year old and he’s just starting high school. It’s a much safer place. They provide a safe place, comfortable environment for the children, and they keep them out of trouble. And it gives me a peace of mind to know that they’re here and in good hands.
What do you want people to know about the Boys & Girls Club?
The staff is great. They love your kids. They provide them with all kinds of activities and lessons here, other people in the community come and volunteer and do other things with them. It’s not just about them running around in the building all day.
Leslie, Wattles Club
Walsh Family, JWR Club
Braden, CS First Volunteer
The Carters, Inukai Family Club
Jaiden, Regence Club
Jackie, Blazers Club
Thurston, Inukai Club
Habiba, Regence Club
Elizabeth, JWR Club
Clayton, Blazers Club
Teya, Regence Club
Sam, JWR Club
Nganga Family, Regence Club
Mayra, Inukai Club
Lisa, Blazers Club
Our Mission
Boys & Girls Clubs of Portland’s mission is to empower all young people, especially those who need us most, to discover their full potential as caring, engaged, responsible community members.
At Boys & Girls Clubs of Portland, enormous learning and growing opportunities become available to youth.
Volunteers play a vital role by assisting with special events and through direct involvement with the Boys & Girls Clubs organization. There are countless ways to volunteer.